Dox Live




About Dox Live

Dox Live is an Amsterdam-based booking agency focused on high-quality adventurous music. We represent a diverse and international roster of artists, enabling them to perform on stages all over the globe to build their presence and develop a dedicated audience. Engaging our international network of promotors, venues/festivals and partner agencies, we are able to tailor our booking efforts to an artist’s long-term strategy to maximize impact. In support of the shows booked by our agents, Dox Live provides in-house tour production and PR in close collaboration with any label-, management-, and promotion partner involved.

Dox Live is part of Dox Amsterdam, including record label Dox Records, publishing department Dox Publishing and our marketing branch Dox Concepts. We are proud of our artist-first approach which has been the essence of Dox since it was founded in 1997 by members of the jazz band Sfeq. In our 25 years of building the careers of numerous artists, we have established a wide international network of venues/festivals and promotors, partner agencies, label and distribution partners, and press. Combining networks and expertise, the company divisions amplify each other in supporting our artists in the most impactful way possible.


Dox Amsterdam is

Dox Live

Dox Records

Dox Publishing

Dox Concepts


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